New Bots:

WHOB - Beta

Organize all your homework for the week with WHOB!

Note: This bot is a beta bot, meaning it's new and would appreactite any ideas or feedback! you have for them!

Go to WHOB

Skill: Schedule


PHOB - Beta

Organize long assignments or projects with PHOB

Note: This bot is a beta bot, meaning it's new and would appreactite any ideas or feedback! you have for them!

Go to PHOB

Skill: To Do List



Hob is a simple robot here to help organize your homework!

Go to HOB

Skill: To Do List



ITHB helps remind you to take brain breaks to recharge and stay more on task.

Go to ITHB

Habit: Brain Breaks

Healthy Effective Fun


SLAB shares school and homework advice, tips and resources from students, for students!

Use SLAB when you need or want to share some advice/work for school.

Go to SLAB

Skill: Learning Mindset

Healthy Effective


Done with homework, don't have anything to do? World Wide Clubs can help! It hosts clubs online.You can join one, see what clubs are making, meet new students, or start your own club!

You can use WWC when your done with homework!

Go to WWC

Questions & Answers:

Bots take a study habit or skill and make them more interactive. So you can use healthy and effective homework habits easily, and enjoyably to have better homework experiences.

You might notice the word Beta next to some Bots names. This just means this bot is new and would appreciate any feedback or ideas you have for them!

A routine maker and Goal Bot, which recommends which bots you could use if you're confused!

You're awesome! Join the Team OR Check out our contribution page to find out how you can help: Contribute

More Coming Soon!

Have some Ideas?
